Expert-Led Prenatal & Postpartum Pilates

Welcome to your transformative Pilates journey. Crafted by an Exercise Physiologist, our program combines community care with the latest scientific research, offering a path to embrace your pregnancy with confidence, strength, and reassurance.

“I tell everyone about Rebecca and her Pilates magic… I credit her for my lack of pregnancy aches and pains, the strength of my pushing during delivery and the speed of my postpartum recovery.”

4 FREE Prenatal Pilates Classes

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The Expert-Led Pregnancy Program You’ve Been Searching For

Experience a unique prenatal and postpartum journey with us, crafted to ensure a safe and empowered birthing experience. While many programs promise wellness, we stand apart by delivering research-based, evidence-backed practices, including a dedicated focus on pelvic floor health.

At Rebecca Pilates, we understand that your pregnancy journey is extraordinary, and that's why we're dedicated to providing you with more than just a routine. Our team, led by an accredited Exercise Physiologist, has meticulously designed a program that offers you the latest in scientific research, giving you the confidence and knowledge to embrace pregnancy with strength and grace.

Join us, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey together. Take the first step toward your well-being.


"I know I didn't have that education prior to this pregnancy, so just having the knowledge empowered me to a better pregnancy, and birthing. Knowledge is power, basically, and you will get that knowledge with this program. I would say that joining Rebecca Pilates is more than just a Pilates class, because you get the education, you get the understanding, but you get the support from Bec who is just so passionate about women's health and babies and labor and everything.

So not only do you get your classes and the correct education, but anything that would crop up, I would message Bec and she'd quickly respond saying “Try this or that is totally normal”. Just having that support system is what really gets it over the line and separates it from a general prenatal Pilates class."

- Maddison Witkovski | Canada


“I have been going to Rebecca for over 3 years. When I first saw her we spent a whole class learning how to breathe properly. The change in my strength, flexibility and body awareness is off the charts and undeniable. I am a nurse and have suffered from chronic injuries (back, hip, knee) for years and have also noticed my wrist and ankles are getting weaker as I age. The difference Rebecca has made to my life and my overall well being has made me a Pilates student for life. She constantly challenges me and keeps me interested with new exercises. She keeps you honest by making sure your body is always in the correct position and ensures you get the most benefit from each exercise. I can't recommend her enough. She inspires me to reach for higher goals and one day be as fit and strong as she is. Thanks Rebecca.” - Anita. W

“Bec has an amazing ability to create a sense of community for her clients while also making you feel as though the workouts are tailored to your needs. Her post natal and women’s health classes have helped me so much to recover from the birth of my baby, her knowledge and understanding of the woman’s body and needs is remarkable. I cannot recommend her enough! - Phoebe. J

“I was referred to Rebecca 2 years ago for chronic neck pain and headaches. Rebecca is an expert at creating programs with the perfect balance between strength, stretch and attention to the specific triggers in my body. I’m impressed by how she flexibly and skillfully modifies the plan during the appointment, depending on how my body is responding. Her cues are easy to follow and she provides excellent education that has helped me to better understand my movement patterns. Pilates with Rebecca has decreased the frequency and intensity of my headaches and helped me to have a better awareness of my breath and core muscles. I feel seen, understood and respected each time I see her." - Emily. W

“I tell everyone about Rebecca and her Pilates magic…to the point when I’m that annoying lady ‘my Pilates teacher this my Pilates teacher that.’ I credit Rebecca for my lack of pregnancy aches and pains, the strength of my pushing during delivery and the speed of my postpartum recovery. Her classes were both educational and challenging, and taught me to connect to my changing body in a way that felt safe, supportive and comprehensive. I highly recommend her classes to any expecting mamma, it’s a gift you can give yourself that will not only benefit you in the moment but will help to prevent pesky issues that can crop up along your journey. Thank you Rebecca!” - Sarah Appleman | America

“I initially began to see Becca as I was suffering with neck, shoulder and lower back pain after years of living with chronic pain from previous car accidents and after giving birth to twins. Working with Becca not only helped me begin to transform into the strong and flexible body I once had, but her sessions supported me throughout the pre and post partum stages I went through with my 3rd child. I absolutely have a blast working with Becs, as she is so knowledgeable, attentive, and so fun to work with. I highly recommend her!” - Gemma. I

“I started working with Rebecca when my daughter was a tiny baby. She is lovely to work with because she is a great listener and she is great at explaining all the subtle details of movement. When I began this work, my initial goal was basic postnatal recovery. After one year, it has been exciting to actually be much stronger than I was before I was pregnant! The work we have done involved a combination of virtual classes and virtual appointments. I only do pilates twice a week, but it is targeted and strategic. Therefore, it has had a big impact on my body and my life. I have learned a lot about the profound impact of subtle movement and breath in pilates. I also love that I have the strength to go hiking while carrying my giant toddler in a backpack! I look forward to continuing this journey. It has been transformative.” - Christabel Shaler | Canada

Don't Waste Another Moment – Embrace Your Empowered Birth Journey Today